Mon, 7 Oct 2002 20:19:53 -0500
From: Meta Carstarphen <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon Oct 7, 2002 8:17:28 PM America/Winnipeg
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: JOBS AT OU
Attachments: There are 2 attachments
Dear all:
OU's Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, my new home,
has job openings to fill this year. Three are for assistant professors
and one is for an Endowed Full professor. Please read these
announcements and share with your colleagues, students and friends.
Also notice that nominations are being accepted for the Full
Professorship. We have outstanding scholars in MAC who would be great
candidates for this newly established post, so please think about
nominating anyone who you believe fits the criteria.
If you have any questions about the positions, the College, or OU, feel
free to contact me privately. Although I'm a newcomer, I'd be happy to
share what I know.
Meta G. Carstarphen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication
860 Van Vleet Oval--Rm. 101
Norman, OK 73019-2051
PHONE: (405) 325-5227
FAX: (405) 325-7565
E-MAIL: [log in to unmask]