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Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 13:50:37 +0000
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From: MARY T. RANTIN [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 10:42 AM
To: Carstarphen, Meta G.
Subject: Three Non Tenure Track Positions

Position Announcement

Department of Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Mass Media
Temple University

Three Non Tenure Track positions

The Department of Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Mass Media (BTMM) at Temple University, as part of one of the largest and most comprehensive schools of communication in the nation, invites applications for three 1 year non-tenure track positions, with the possibility for renewal, to begin in fall 2012.

1. Video Production — The ideal candidate would hold an MFA or PhD. S/he would be a media-maker professionally and artistically active in video, with real world experience in multi-genre (comedy, drama, documentary) and multi-form (features, short subjects, promos and corporate video) productions. A track record in single camera and multi-camera production is a plus. S/he would have a record of creative inquiry, a strong background in writing and nonlinear editing, and an ability to teach production courses in the “Media Production” track. Courses include: Introduction to Media Production; Advanced Editing; Producing & Directing; Advanced Scriptwriting; and Introduction to Media Technology.

2. Media Technology  — The ideal candidate would hold an MFA, MA or MS and have a record of teaching excellence, with a professional background in multiplatform media or media education. S/he should be qualified to teach courses in the “Media Production” track. Courses include: Introduction to Media Technology; Multimedia Production for Corporations and Non-Profits; Cybermedia Workshop; Introduction to Internet Studies & Web; Educational Multimedia Production; and Programming for Multiplatform Media.

3. Media Theory and Analysis —The ideal candidate would hold a PhD (MA or MS considered), have a record of excellence in teaching and be qualified to teach courses within the “Media Analysis” track, as well as introductory core courses, including: Introduction to Media Theory; Media & Society; Media Criticism; Public Media Information Campaigns; Media Popular Culture; Mass Communication Institutions and/or Communication Research Methods.

The department has approximately 750 majors who study audio, video and electronic media production; management of media institutions; and social and psychological functions, processes and effects of media. It offers a master's degree and contributes to an inter-departmental doctoral program in Mass Media and Communication. BTMM is one of six departments in a large, diverse and dynamic School of Communications and Theater, which is the third largest school in the university.

Temple University is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the fourth largest media and telecommunications market in the nation. The University community at large includes more than 37,000 students in the region and at several international campuses; the School of Communications and Theater includes 4,200 undergraduate and graduate students.

For more information about the department, school, and Temple University, please visit

Review of applications will begin on January 23, 2012 and continue until all positions are filled.  Applicants should clearly identify which position they are applying for in their applications and send materials (letter of application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference) to:

Chair, NTT Search Committee
Dept. of Broadcasting, Telecommunications and Mass Media
Temple University
205 Annenberg Hall
2020 North 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Temple University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator where diversity is an essential source of vitality and strength. The University is committed to nondiscrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, age and disability.

Mary Rantin
Office Manager
Dept. of Broadcasting, Telecom & Mass Media
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA  19122
(215) 204-5475
(215) 204-5402 Fax
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