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"Dates, Jannette" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 12:50:18 -0500
text/plain (59 lines)
At a meeting of some of the AEJMC leadership this past weekend, in Columbia,
SC at AEJMC headquarters, I brought up the need for us to do this.  We have
drafted a resolution that will be sent through the proper channels.  If you
don't want duplication of efforts, wait for me to get it officially and I
will share it with you.  It should be ready for your review by the end of
next week.

-----Original Message-----
From: amohamed [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 9:44 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Supporting Univ. of Michigan's Affirmative Action Policy

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to thank Jannette Dates, Bill Israel,
Paula Poindexter, Venise Berry, and Ken Campbell for their
prompt responses to this proposal.
All of them expressed agreement that AEJ needs to be on record
regarding this issue. Prof. Campbell suggested that it's
more appropriate that the Commission on the Status of
Minorities take the lead on this and I concur.
We will, therefore, ask our colleagues at the CSM to draft
a resolution to be sent to the Executive Board of AEJMC.
Fortunately, all top officers of CSM are members of MAC and
so by this e-mail we ask them to take the lead.
Ali N. Mohamed
Edinboro Univ. of PA.

>===== Original Message From amohamed <[log in to unmask]> =====
>Dear Colleagues,
>On April 1, the Supreme Court will start hearing arguments for and against
>the constituitionality of the University of Michigan's affirmative action
>policy for student admissions. So far, the battle lines are drawn and many
>institutions/organizations/businesses have filed statements in support of
>University of Michigan.
>As an educational organization, shouldn't AEJMC join this battle on the
>of the university? Is it possible to issue an AEJMC resolution
>prior to the convention and before April 1?
>Could the more knowledgable colleagues among us advise us on this issue?
>What should and can MAC as a division do?
>Ali Mohamed