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"E. K. Daufin" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
E. K. Daufin
Thu, 11 Mar 2010 16:24:24 -0600
text/plain (1 lines)
From Yuki

Know Justice, Know Peace,
Rev. Dr. E-K. Daufin, Professor of Communication
National Media Weight Discrimination Expert
AEJMC MAC Divison Membership Chair
ASU Faculty/Staff Alliance - AFT/AFL-CIO, Co VP for Faculty
Alabama State University
915 South Jackson St.
Montgomery, AL 36101-0271
334-229-6885  [log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance for your research and creative activity referrals:

With all my heart I want fulfilling work, for abundant pay, in a beautiful, functional environment, working with and for only talented, loving, cooperative, generous people who appreciate and respect me and I they. Ashe!

Please post this MAC submission remember to our ListServ ASAP???


Yuki Fujioka, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
Georgia State University
P. O. Box 4000
Atlanta, GA 30302-4000
404-413-5663 (office)
404-413-5634 (fax)
[log in to unmask]

For overnight delivery (FedEx, UPS)
Department of Communication
One Park Place South  #1045
Atlanta, GA, 30303

>>> Yuki Fujioka <[log in to unmask]> 3/10/2010 7:51 PM >>>
Dear members: 

Please submit your work to the MAC! 

Paper Call:  Minorities and Communication Division

The Minorities and Communication Division invites submissions of
original research on any topic related to minorities in communications.
Submissions employing all methods of inquiry are invited. Papers should
include appropriate literature reviews, methodology, findings, and
discussion. Only one paper per primary author will be accepted.

The term “minorities” has been defined to include Latinos, African
Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. Thus, papers examining
how these groups present images, news, and information about themselves,
as well as those examining how issues related to race and diversity are
featured in the media, would generally fall into this division’s area
of interest.

Papers should not be more than 25 pages, excluding references, tables,
figures, and other graphics. 

The MAC Division is sponsoring two “Award Winning Paper”
competitions at this year’s convention: Top faculty and the Alan
Bussel Award for Top Student Paper. The “Top” three faculty papers
and the “top” student paper will be selected from among the refereed
papers submitted to the MAC Divisions competitions. Students must
identify their papers as such (“Student Paper”) on the title page of
their submission. All sole- or co-authors of these papers must be
students; papers co-authored by students and faculty should be submitted
to the Faculty Research Paper competition.

A first place winner in the “Top” faculty paper competition will
receive $200. The second place winner will receive $100 and the third
place winner will receive $75. The student winner will receive a
complimentary ticket for the MAC luncheon during this year’s
convention and $100. Certificates will be awarded to each of the
winners. In addition, the other top student papers will have the
opportunity to participate in a scholar-to-scholar session.

If you have questions, please contact Yuki Fujioka
([log in to unmask]), Georgia State University (Faculty Research
Chair) or Brad Gorham ([log in to unmask]), Syracuse University (Student
Research Chair).