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Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 14:22:48 +0000
Reply-To: "Ferrier, Michelle" <[log in to unmask]>
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Comments: To: "Carstarphen, Meta G." <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (118 lines)
Dear MACers:

This past week I was invited to the Kettering Foundation to discuss
community engagement and how media can better serve democratic processes
with other journalism educators. Despite the assumptions/questions
inherent in that statement (Do we actually live in a democracy? What do we
mean by community? What does "engagement" look like?), as the sole person
of color in the room, I found myself increasingly agitated that not only
are we remaking our media to look very much like it has in the past, we
are having conversations about remaking journalism education that supports
existing power structures and not communities of color or underserved and
underrepresented populations.

In my work on the Media Deserts Project, I am using GIS mapping to show
the communities that lack access to fresh local news and information. The
project involves working with community stakeholders to imagine new ways
of delivering news and information in these media deserts. But my ultimate
goal is to map social justice issues such as environmental justice, social
justice and others to this visualization of the media landscape to
determine the connection between "media/news" or the lack thereof and
detrimental policies for and actions in underserved/underrepresented

I think Meta's interest in discussing social justice issues also must take
into account how we as journalists, journalism educators and media
organizations can better serve underserved and underrepresented
communities with fresh news and information? How can we move beyond the
commercial model to provide localized news and information? What can we do
as journalism educators to create a media system that is more inclusive?
...And from which we can be in action about building our communities?

What can we as a group do to address this agenda?

Imagine Better,
Michelle Ferrier

"We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need
inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better." -- J.K.

Dr. Michelle Ferrier
Associate Dean for Innovation, Research/Creative Activity and Graduate
Scripps College of Communication
Ohio University
Schoonover Center 121
1 Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701-2979
T: 740-593-9860
F: 740-593-0459
[log in to unmask]
Twitter: @mediaghosts

Principal Investigator: The Media Deserts Project
Vice President, Journalism That Matters

On 3/3/15 10:41 PM, "Carstarphen, Meta G." <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Dear MACers:
>Hope all is well and that everyone is surviving the winter weather that
>seems without ending.
>I have wondered for a while how we as a group might have a conversation
>about the ways we can engage our students and the academy in social
>justice issues. We do this, I know in our lectures, our writings, our
>research. James has shared with us a wonderful example of he is working
>with students.  I know there are others. But we may be so isolated in our
>work that we don't take the time to share and connect.
>I am as guilty as anyone of this. Since the tragic murder of Trayvon
>Martin, I have seen a new determination in our students of color and
>others to be a voice for change. On my campus I joined with other
>colleagues to host a forum on this and again after the Michael Brown
>But it is one thing to be part of a national conversation and something
>else to have it hit close to home. On February 14, 2014, a family friend
>name Luis Rodriguez was killed in a senseless encounter with police in
>Moore OK. I won't take up your time with details--there is plenty of
>information out there on this case as we continue to press for justice.
>Last month, his wife (she refuses to claim the title widow) organized a
>rally to observe the one year anniversary of his death.
>I have intentionally been in somewhat of a hibernation. I'm thinking a
>lot about how the work we do can connect with the communities we serve,
>and how the academy can do better. This was a driving reason why I agreed
>to run for office with AEJMC this year.
>But I wonder if other MACers see any value in shaping a sustained
>conversation about social justice issues and the role of the media and
>mass communication in ways that might impact communities? Perhaps the
>work is already being done and we need to talk about what we are doing
>Thanks James, Lillie, Anita, Sharon,Federico and so many more of you than
>I can name right now for inspiring me with what you do. Let's continue to
>encourage each other.
>Thanks for letting me intrude with these thoughts.
>Meta G. Carstarphen, Ph.D., APR
>Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication
>2005-2012 Gaylord Endowed Professor
>University of Oklahoma ** 395 W. Lindsey Blvd-Room 3120B
>Norman, OK  73019--PH: (405) 325-5227 * FX: (405) 325-7565
>**FACEBOOK: DrMeta G Carstarphen  **TWITTER: @DrMCar
>**LINKEDIN: Meta G. Carstarphen, Ph.D., APR
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