A doctoral student request interview subjects...please read and share...
Be blessed during this Christmas season.
From: Victoria LaPoe [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 11:20 AM
To: Ilia M Rodriguez Nazario; E. K. Daufin; Carstarphen, Meta G.
Subject: Would you mind to share? My Dissertation
Hello Dr. Rodriguez Nazario, Dr. Daufin, and Dr. Carstarphen,
I am working on my dissertation right now which is a mix method. I'm conducting a content analysis (including visuals) of mainstream versus American Indian media. I am also working on interviewing American Indians about the role of media in their life. I am not sure if you feel this would be appropriate for the list serve, but if you know someone who might be interested in speaking with me, please feel free to let that person know. I would like to collect a variety of interviews. I have a description of my project below.
Best, Victoria
Hello my name is Victoria LaPoe and I'm Cherokee and a Ph.D. candidate at Louisiana State University.
My dissertation research is on American Indian media and the coverage of American Indians in mainstream versus American Indian press.
I would like to interview American Indians about this research. Names would be kept confidential, if the participant would like.
My interest is to speak to three generations back, if possible. Essentially, I would like to speak with an interviewee, his/her parent and then his/her grandparent to see if and how media is changing the dissemination of information. For example, my Grandfather, who is Cherokee and did not go to what would be considered by most a "formal" school, goes online in chat rooms and speaks to other Cherokees in Tsalagi. My grandpa was born in 1934 so I think this is pretty amazing that he taught himself the computer and found chat rooms, etc.
This project, if interested, would share the stories with you/or your organization so that you can save them or put them on your web page. The interview wouldn't take long and could be done in person, by phone or via email.
If you would be willing to help with contact information or by sharing my information so that I can collect enough stories/interviews, I would be very appreciative! I would really love, if at all possible, to have a balance of information from those who live on and off a reservation so that I have a more representative sample.
Thanks again for your time!
Best and Wado!
Victoria LaPoe
Broadcast Instructor/Ph.D. Candidate (ABD),
LSU Manship School of Mass Communication and Public Affairs
Member at Large, LSU Native American Student Association
Managing Editor, Media Diversity Forum
AEJMC Graduate Liaison: Minorities and Communication, Electronic News, and Visual Communication Divisions
Victoria LaPoe
Broadcast Instructor/Ph.D. Candidate (ABD),
LSU Manship School of Mass Communication and Public Affairs
Member at Large, LSU Native American Student Association
Managing Editor, Media Diversity Forum
AEJMC Graduate Liaison: Minorities and Communication, Electronic News, and Visual Communication Divisions