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"Carstarphen, Meta G." <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Sep 2018 13:16:12 +0000
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Dear Colleagues/Friends--

I hope this note finds everyone well.

I'm sending this note to let you now that this listserv will be suspended in the immediate future.  I have made this request to OU IT Services, the department that hosts all such electronic communication at our university.  I informed the MAC leadership Friday as well, and these officers are working to provide alternative solutions.

Such a radical step is necessary primarily because of technical glitches with this list that have prevented me, or a designate, from managing this list.  This has involved the important tasks of adding members, deleting members and modifying addresses.  OU IT has been actively researching the problems since August at my request.  As of Friday, the staff people I have communicated with by phone and email--including service managers--have not been able to resolve these problems.

Besides these pressing considerations, I have long felt the need to pass the baton on these duties.  When I created the listserv in 2000, it was the first, member-wide form of communication we had, and it represented the best use of technology at that time.  Of course, we have so many new options now that it more than makes sense to have the MAC leadership and members explore the full range of possibilities available now.

Finally, when I served as MAC Head, I created to position of "Membership Chair," which longtime member E.K. Daufin filled brilliantly.  Her energy, personality and deep commitment to MAC made her the perfect ambassador for the organization.  She retired and this spot fell to me, I suppose, out of longtime habit and convenience.  However, it is not a position I have sought, nor have I been directly asked if I was able to continue.  Again, it is time for fresh perspectives on this position and how--if it continues--such a slot can serve MAC.

As always, I am a champion for our division, our leadership and our members.  I look forward to see what lies ahead.

In the meantime, effective immediately, please do not use this listserv to send messages for yourself or on behalf of others.  We will follow the leadership's new directions on this.

Thank you for allowing me this space to share this update and my best wishes to all.  We will talk again, in person, online, and in new venues.



Meta G. Carstarphen, Ph.D., APR
Gaylord Family Professor//Strategic Communication
Editor: Communication Booknotes Quarterly<>
Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication
University of Oklahoma
395 W. Lindsey Blvd.//Norman, OK   73019//PH: 405-325-5227  @DrMCar
Race, Gender, Class & the Media<>
American Indians and the Mass Media<>