Wed, 5 May 2004 02:28:57 -0500
hi everybody, this is just a reminder that since it is finals-frenzy, we
will not be meeting this week - but there are some PRELIMINARY materials
online to check out:
contributions and requests would be most welcome! hopefully we can get
all the content done over May and June, and then work on some design
ideas in July so that the site will be all up and ready to go by August
also, if people are interested in meeting DURING THE SUMMER, please
suggest the day/time(s) most convenient for you, so that we can find the
best time and Karen can reserve the conference room for our use. we
could start up meeting the week of May 17, for example - if you are
interesting in doing that, send along preferred day/time(s).
THANKS! I hope finals week is going well for everybody!