For college professors globally, to dialogue about course design.


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Dee Fink <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Nov 2010 23:06:05 -0500
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Hello All,

We have some new resources to help college teachers everywhere learn about
course design more easily now.  Let me share that information with you.

1.  *Online Course on "Designing Courses for Significant Learning":*  This
past spring I trial tested a new online course about Integrated Course
Design, with people from China, Pakistan, France and the US.  It went well,
but I also saw what needed to be done to make it better.  So this summer and
fall, I have been making those changes.
      The revised, "ready to go" version of this online course will start in
*January, 2011.*  People will go through the course in cohorts of 5-8 people
each, so they can dialogue and give each other feedback on their work.  And
each cohort will have a Feedback Facilitator (me, this coming year) who will
direct the course and give his/her own feedback to each other participants.
        *The "Take-Away's*:  When people finish this course, they will take
away two things:

   - They will have learned how to design any course, using the ideas of
   Integrated Course Design, and
   - They will have designed one course, by working carefully and
   systematically through the process, step-by-step.

       *Certificates*:  Participants will also have the possibility of
earning two Certificates, issued by the University of Oklahoma:

   - *Certificate of Completion*:  Everyone who finishes the course will
   earn a Certificate of Completion.
   - *Certificate of Performance*:  Anyone who then submits a course design
   that meets our Criteria for good course design, will be awarded a
   Certificate of Performance.  This indicates that they not only
*know*about course design; they can
   *do it*!

      *Cost*:  I have decided to price the course differentially, depending
on the average income of college teachers in various countries.  Hence the
following set of prices:

   1. *Advanced Economies* (N. Amer., Europe, etc.)
   2. *Emerging Economies* (Latin Amer., E. Europe, SE Asia, etc.)
   3. *South Asia, China*
   4. *Sub-Saharan Africa*

I have put information about this online course, on the website for "Dee
Fink & Associates", under "Online Courses":
In the near future, I will also get information about it on the "Course
Design" website.

      *Special Value*:  This course will benefit anyone.  However, it has
special value for universities that want to provide *adjunct faculty* with
opportunities to learn about teaching, because they can do it anytime,

2. *Workshop & Online Course about: "Designing Online or Hybrid Courses"*
       Stewart Ross, an experienced Associate for "Dee Fink & Associates",
has collaborated with Linda Jacoby at Minnesota State University-Mankato, to
put together both a workshop and an online course on this topic.
       Given the growing interest in this topic by universities everywhere,
these resources will help professors integrate knowledge of good course
design with some of the additional topics needed to create good online
teaching and learning.
       The workshop and online course will be available, starting in *February,
       There is additional information about these resources, under the
"Home" and "Online Courses" of the Fink & Associates website:

If you are interested in participating in any of these new workshops or
online courses, please contact me at: [log in to unmask]

My Best,  Dee Fink

L. Dee Fink
234 Foreman Ave.
Norman, OK  73069
Phone/FAX:  405-364-6464
Email:  [log in to unmask]

**National Project Director:  Teaching & Curriculum Improvement (TCI)
**Senior Associate, Dee Fink & Associates Consulting Services
**Author of: Creating Significant Learning Experiences
**Former President of the POD Network in Higher Education (2004-2005)