For college professors globally, to dialogue about course design.


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Sender: "For college professors globally, to dialogue about course design." <[log in to unmask]>
From: Kathleen Lux <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 17:35:23 -0500
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Reply-To: Kathleen Lux <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (18 lines)
Hi,  I am a "Finkite" (for lack of a better title).  I attended Dee Finks's seminar 
in Chicago in May of this year and bought into his beliefs on course design.  I 
then spent the summer redesigning my community health nursing course into 
his recommnded format.  I was very nervous about introducing this new 
course design to my nursing students because they have only had lectures 
and Powerpoint handouts their entire nursing school experience.  As Dee 
suggested, I used the "What do you want to learn the most about in this 
course and your college career?" question (the approach is on the website 
under resource downloads - "Imact of First Day Questions) and it worked 
great.  Not 1 student seemed distressed by our new plan to pratice learning 
and applying learning in new situations during our class times.  They agreed 
they could read the text and learn the course basics on their own.  In fact, 
the next day, 1 of the students stopped into my office to thank me for taking 
the time and effort to redesign the course to improve her learning! I was 
shocked but happy.  We're off to a good start.  
Kathleen Lux