Wed, 9 Jun 2010 03:11:51 -0500
Hello All,
First, I would like to thank all of you for signing up on the new listserv
on our "Designing Better Learning Expeirences" website.
The response has been quite encouraging. As of today (Wednesday
morning), over 60 people are on this list!
Second, I would like to encourage you to start posting some *questions,
concerns, or insights* to the listserv.
Given the fact that you care so much about your teaching and your
students' learning, it will be wonderful to read both the questions you ask
and the comments/observations/experiences that you have to share!
You can post a question or comment to the list simply by sending an email
to: [log in to unmask]
Then, if you want to respond to someone else's posting on the list, you
can do this by clicking on "reply to all" on your email browser.
I know many of you have questions about how to appply the principles of good
course design. And if you do, almost for sure other people have the same
Let's help each other by raising these questions and letting everyone
help us/you find solutions!
My Best, Dee Fink
L. Dee Fink
234 Foreman Ave.
Norman, OK 73069
Phone/FAX: 405-364-6464
Email: [log in to unmask]
**National Project Director: Teaching & Curriculum Improvement (TCI)
**Senior Associate, Dee Fink & Associates Consulting Services
**Author of: Creating Significant Learning Experiences
**Former President of the POD Network in Higher Education (2004-2005)