Wed, 7 Jan 2004 08:59:52 -0600
Hi danny,
Yes. Brad and Jon did the polite work for us with OU IT. You should
find that everything you need except for sendmail should be up and
open. But I think you need to send details of the machines you want
open to the outside world to Brad and Jon. After having port 6000
allowed access for X11 traffic I have been happily working as I was
prior to the lockdown.
I don't use VPN but I do log in from outside via ssh to both a Linux
and Mac machines. No problems there.
On Jan 7, 2004, at 8:55 AM, Danny G Smith wrote:
> I took a couple of weeks off and got back and all of the ports were
> blocked. I am curious, has any department been able to get ports
> reopened, i.e. sendmail, http, ssh, etc. Has anyone tried setting up
> a
> vpn connection from offcampus thru linux or mac to omrf, are the
> technologies compatable?
> --
> thanks,
> Danny G Smith
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Crystallography Core Computer Manager / Sr UNIX Sys Adm
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Crystallography Dept Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
> phone(405)271-8954 fax(405)271-7953 dept(405)271-1672
> =========================================================
> UNIX air conditioned environment, keep the windows closed
Yasvir Tesiram
PostDoctoral Fellow
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Dept. Free Radical Biology and Ageing
825 NE 13th Street, OKC, OK, 73104
P: (405) 271 7126
F: (405) 271 1795
E: [log in to unmask]