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1.0 (Apple Message framework v613)
OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
Stuart Glenn <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 Apr 2004 10:53:30 -0600
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OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (3012 bytes) , smime.p7s (2479 bytes)
Well, I have done a fair bit of porting linux (and other unix) wares to  
the OS X with much success. The main things you run into usually are  
just some header issues. Like a lot of stuff will include <malloc.h>,  
which is not present/needed on X. Then of course you might run into  
some issues with the GCC 3.3 version on X, if it was originally  
developed with some older GCC 2 version. Usually name spacing issues  
and some issues with template based code have been my major stumblers  
there. Another issue that might come up would be anything with dynamic  
module loading (read dlopen calls). The dlcompat lib is included in the  
base panther now I think and in fink so that will make most of those  
things work out.

In terms of some documentation a good start is Apple's very own unix  
porting guide.  
PortingUnix/>. Also then there are the OReilly Mac OS X for unix geek  
books. They have a little bit in there on some stuff of compiling  
standard unix stuff on X and the issues you might come across, but not  
too much if I remember correctly.

I would start with that unix porting guide, then just jump in. It  
should all be pretty straight forward. If he has anymore (or more  
specific) questions, I am sure I could ramble off more stuff that might  
or might not make sense.

Oh, and then/when if he gets it going on the G5, tell him to check out  
the CHUD tools (like shark) to profile his app and really tune it for  
the G5.

Ok, I think I have wasted enough time with this, but hey it is Friday...


On Apr 2, 2004, at 10:02, Todd Walker wrote:

> The letter below is from Adam Zlotnick, a researcher from OU who
> has attended some of our ISG-LUG meetings.  Can anyone post
> here some recommendations for documentations for his
> Linux programmer, who is trying for the first time to compile a
> Linux program for OS X?  I understand that he does have the
> Fink package installed, but don't know if he understands yet
> how to use it.  Web links to development sites, etc. would
> be appreciated.
> Dear Todd,
> Thanks for allowing me to put you on the spot yesterday.  The  
> programmer you talked to, Paul Moisant, is writing code that will  
> enable use to describe every possible intermediate in the assembly of  
> a given virus.  The resulting database is expected to have more than  
> half a million intermediates.  I am hoping to make the best use of my  
> G5 for these calculations. My hope is that the difficulties are just  
> minor differences in platform specific syntax that will be relatively  
> easy to overcome once we know where to look.  Paul is experienced with  
> Red Hat Linux on a PC, and if need be we can move to one of the Linux  
> boxes here. But, since neither use Red Hat, I suspect we will run into  
> alternative incompatabilities.
>  Besides the web sites, can you recommend any text that will  
> specifically address C++ in OSX?