Norman Campus ProCard users


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"Parker, Gayle" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 11:31:47 -0500
text/plain (56 lines)
This looks like a great idea, and will be really useful. However, since I no
longer have a pro card, due to my departmental change, will you please
remove me?

Gayle Parker
Sponsored Programs Coordinator
Office of Research Administration
University of Oklahoma
1000 Asp Avenue, Room 314
Norman, OK 73019
Phone:  (405)325-6061    Fax: (405)325-6029
E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
Vice President for Research Homepage:

-----Original Message-----
From: Gilley, Kathy
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 10:52 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: !!! NEW - Quarterly ProCard Newsletter!!!!

Welcome to the "NEW" ProCard LISTSERV !!!!!  If you are receiving this
email, then you are listed in our records as either a cardholder or a
reviewer/approver.  Please read any postings to the listserv, as they
contain important information regarding the ProCard and/or the ProCard

The first new item you will see, is contained in this message:  It is the
!!!  NEW -  Quarterly ProCard Newsletter !!!  Just click on the attachment
below to open the Newsletter.  You can also see the Newsletter on the
Purchasing web site, located at

We hope you enjoy this new listserv.  Please feel free to forward any
comments or suggestions to Kathy Gilley, the ProCard Administrator @
[log in to unmask]


Kathy A. Gilley, C.P.M.
ProCard Administrator
University of Oklahoma
201 Engineering Lab
200 Felgar Street
Norman, OK 73019
Phone:  405/325-5081
Fax:    405/325-5068
Email:  [log in to unmask]