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Sender: SCCPLA - SCC Planning Committee <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 16:37:00 -0600
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Reply-To: SCCPLA - SCC Planning Committee <[log in to unmask]>
From: Tim Mason <[log in to unmask]>
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Comments: To: [log in to unmask]
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We need to be flexible. You already have, let's say, five facilitators.
Once the Call goes out, you pick up 3 more. When the preregistration
packets goes out, we can list, let's say, 20 more topics along with the
topics you already have. If 7-10 members select a topic in which you
don't have someone to lead, you either ask someone who has signed up to
lead, or find someone. Remember some members like to be asked, rather
than volunteer.

One other item, we will need to promote this format change, either by
email, or the newsletter.

>>> [log in to unmask] 03/02/06 3:59 PM >>>
Tim would say for sure, but I think we're just saying that there is
potentially room for as many as 18 topics.  I would think that we
limit it to 10-12 to allow for the possibility of having to have more
than one group on a popular topic (e-journals, research come to mind


>>> [log in to unmask] 3/2/2006 3:36:45 PM >>>
So we are talking about a total of 18 roundtable topics that should be
on our list when the registration material goes out? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Mason [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 3:30 PM
To: Campbell, Shirley
Cc: [log in to unmask] 
Subject: RE: Program Committee for 2006 minutes

The way I understand, we have 3 rooms, each will accommodate 3
roundtable pt.1(2:15-3:00), break(3:00-3:15), general
session(3:15-4:30), roundtable pt2: (4:45-5:30) Tim

>>> "Campbell, Shirley" <[log in to unmask]> 03/02/06 3:16 PM
But we aren't talking about a meal are we?  

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Mason [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 2:49 PM
To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; Martha
Bedard; Esther Carrigan; Joe Jaros; Nancy Burford;
[log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; Campbell, Shirley
Cc: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask] 
Subject: RE: Program Committee for 2006 minutes

One reason is to get more members involved. We have the possibility of
up to 18 sharing roundtables, rather then 6 sharing sessions. See
Nancy's message below. Also for those in AHIP, they can earn 1 point
being a facilitator or recorder.

Shirley, you have some facilitators lined up and we will used them.
following MLA's model, in our Call for papers etc. We could say we
facilitators for the following topics, then list the topics, rather
a blanket call for facilitators and topics. Again see page 8 of MLA's
Preliminary Program for Phoenix.

 I prefer this way because you have control over the attendance and
somewhat over the topics. When members preregister they will have to
select a roundtable to attend. If we list lot of topics and have
who sign up, will can find facilitator after the fact, not before.  If
lot of members wants to go to a session on e-journals have two
roundtables going, of 7-10 people. 

I went to a sharing session in Houston on E-journals around 30-40
showed up; obviously there wasn't a lot of sharing taking place.
Then you have a sharing sessions on ILL or whatever and you have maybe
or 4 people.

Also, once the facilitators are lined up, they can appoint a recorder
who can post the recorded notes on our webpage.

This has been a very successful project for MLA's Chapter Council.
ask SCC every year to donate money to underwrite free seats for new
members to attend. This year we gave $100. (Remember, a lunch is

>>> "Nancy Burford" <[log in to unmask]> 03/01/06 4:50 PM >>>
I rather like that idea - and from the LAC room arrangement standpoint
it would be easier to have the morning paper session rooms re-arranged
to accomodate 2-3 circles than to have the rooms sub-divided into
smaller rooms.

And if the topic you signed up for is sort of boring you could move
chair over!

One potential problem I can see would be that you would have several
groups discussing different topics in the same room and it could get
that people with more carrying voices would make it impossible to hear
talk in other groups.  But I think if you limit each group to 8-10,
the chairs could be close enough so that people didn't feel that it
necessary to project!


>>> "Campbell, Shirley" <[log in to unmask]> 03/02/06 12:59 PM
No of course it is not too late to change format.  I haven't been to
to one of their's, but I have been to another library group last
and there were several groups meeting in one room.  There isn't much
difference to the format.  Why do you prefer one to the other?

Also: When I read what you wrote, however, I was thinking oooh, that
another room set up - I wonder if they charge for those?  In Dallas we
are working on 2008 and we have been giving some thought to those
of issues as we hunt for a hotel.  I assume we will be the only group
the hotel in College Station - probably won't matter.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Mason [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 4:35 PM
To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; Martha
Bedard; Esther Carrigan; Joe Jaros; Nancy Burford;
[log in to unmask];
[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask] 
Cc: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask] 
Subject: Re: Program Committee for 2006 minutes

What do you think of changing the sharing sessions to be more like
successful roundtables? See page 8 of MLA's Annual Meeting Preliminary
Program. Where we have numerous timely topics with a facilitator and a
recorder. Limit each to 8-10 people. It could be in one large room and
just put the chairs in a circle (no table). Of course, you would have
sign up when you register. This would get more members involved. 

I realized Shirley has started on organizing the sharing sessions, but
don't think it is too late to change.

Our present 6 sharing sessions are limiting in topic and just not
exciting as they once were.  


Attend SCC/MLA 2006, Oct. 20-24, College Station, TX

Tim Mason
Technical Services Librarian
UNTHSC Lewis Library
3500 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Ft. Worth, TX 76107

>>> "Martha Bedard" <[log in to unmask]> 03/01/06 2:41 PM >>>
I am in the midst of drafting up the joint call for papers, posters,
sharing sessions and want to confirm who those interested should
to.  I suggest we list just one name for each event.  Esther has
to be the contact person to receive the abstracts for the papers-- who
is willing to be the contact for the sharing sessions and for the
posters?   I will try to get something out for all of you to approve
end of week.

>>> "Tim Mason" <[log in to unmask]> 11/02 4:42 PM >>>
This might be the second time that you received this message. I had to
resend a few because of incorrect emails. Tim

The Program Committee met on Oct. 23, 2005 in Little Rock. After
reviewing what has been accomplished so far in regards to local
arrangements and program, we discussed the program for 2006. The
committee agreed to have 3 general sessions, 2 speakers and 1 panel.
panel would consist of updates from NLM, MLA, NNLM, and Scamel.
HLIS would arrange for a speaker for their luncheon. We will have
contributed papers, posters, sharing sessions/tech expo, and CE.
Joe Jaros has been appointed to the committee. He will work with
speakers and  anywhere else we need additional help.

The committee divided up its responsibilities as follows:

Speakers: Martha, Deborah, Joe
Contributed papers: Esther and Dohn
Sharing Sessions and Tech Expo: Shirley and Holly
CE: Shari
Posters: Vicki and Ethel
HLIS program: Ethel/Stephanie Fulton* (Stephanie, as chair elect of
HLIS, is responsible for the 2006 HLIS program)

Here are the contacts from the LR Program Committee:  

Contributed papers- Pauline Fulda and Ed Poletti
Posters- Cathy Rhodes Pepper
Sharing sessions- Mary Ryan
CE-Shari Clifton
Tech Expo- Stephanie Fulton
Speakers- Mary Ryan
HLIS program- Joy Summer-Ables

Joy will be setting up a listserv for the Program Committee.

Again, I would like to thank everyone for agreeing to serve on this
committee. The Program Committee, unlike some, really have their work
cut out. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any concerns you


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