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Anita Fleming-Rife <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Anita Fleming-Rife <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:07:46 -0600
text/plain (81 lines)
Thanks Frances for your outstanding leadership and the role you're playing in actualizing the vision of Dr. Barrow.

Sent from my iPhone
With kindness,
Anita Fleming-Rife

> On Oct 30, 2014, at 1:47 PM, Frances Ward-Johnson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear MAC members, 
> I have put our division's membership numbers over the last several decades into a visual representation that is attached. We currently have 180 members. 
> Quick fact: The late Dr. Lionel C. Barrow founded our division in 1970. Our mission is to advance research, teaching and professional freedom and responsibility scholarship and initiatives that explore the relationship between racial and ethnic minorities and mass communication.
> When viewing the graphic, you can see that our largest membership during the period indicated was in 1995 at 211 members and in 2002 at 210 members.
> The MAC Division Outreach Committee, led by former MAC Heads Yuki Fujioka and Felicia Jones Ross, is in the process of contacting department chairs at ACEJMC-accredited institutions to make them aware of our division's goals and benefits. Other membership coordinators include Meta G. Carstarphen and E-K Daufin, who also manager our Listserv, and Kyle Huckins, our second vice head, who is also devoting time to recruitment efforts.  
> We hope you will assist us in making others aware of MAC and ask them to join our division. 
> Here are a few benefits:
> ·  A free subscription to Minorities and Mass Communication Scholarship Special Issue with Howard Journal of Communications
> ·  MAC Listserv emails and E-newsletters
> ·  Exclusive members content at MAC website
> ·  Voting rights
> ·  Opportunities for leadership roles
> ·  Eligibility for MAC awards
> ·  Networking and contacts 
> ·  And much more...
> If you have questions, do let me know.  If you have suggestions for outreach, contact Outreach Committee Co-chair, Dr. Yuki Fujioka, at [log in to unmask] 
> See our website at 
> Sincerely,
> Frances
> ------------------
> Frances Ward-Johnson
> Head, Minorities and Communication Division, AEJMC
> Acting Department Chair, School of Communications
> University Faculty Fellow for Leadership
> Elon University
> <MAC Membership.pdf>
>> On Oct 27, 2014, at 5:22 PM, Frances Ward-Johnson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Ben, 
>> You are awesome! 
>> Looks great!
>> Can you make one change for me: In the headline over the bar graph where it says: MAC Membership List.  Please change it to read: MAC Membership
>> That's it! Thank you!
>> Frances 
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Ben Hannam <[log in to unmask]>
>> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 5:09 PM
>> To: Frances Ward-Johnson
>> Subject: MAC Membership Graphic
>> Dr. Ward-Johnson,
>> Attached is a bar graph of the information you requested for AEJMC.
>> Let me know if if looks okay.
>> Thanks!
>> Ben Hannam
>> Associate Professor
>> Communication Design
>> School of Communications
>> Elon University