I’ve been “tasked” rather suddenly to teach VisCom as a lecture course for 60 non-Journalism majors, this spring semester. I’ve been teaching it as a lab class for majors and non majors for more than a decade and would LOVE some help re-thinking the course for lecture.
Can you share: syllabus, book suggestions, approaches that work, how you are involving larger groups in the materials being taught?
(I had pioneered a fun 40-student, non-lab, non majors VisCom class teaching design in Photoshop and InDesign with the monthly-fee Adobe, but the price hike this summer has made that too expensive.)
Lee Jolliffe, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Journalism
108 Meredith Hall
Drake University
[log in to unmask]
(515) 577-2030 (cell)
On Mar 23, 2016, at 3:05 PM, Joel Beeson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear MAC members:
> I have put together a panel (No. 324), "Inside the Empathy Machine: Virtual Reality, Race and Reporting." We need a moderator who can understand issues around reporting on race and social justice. I was hoping to include MAC membership. We could possibly consider a fifth panelist if anyone has a particular research or creative interest in virtual reality, augmented reality uses for reporting on race matters.
> Please contact me directly if interested. I am a bit behind getting this together for AEJMC, so a prompt response would really be appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Joel
> Joel W. Beeson, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor
> Director, WV African American Veterans Oral History Project
> Reed College of Media
> West Virginia University
> Morgantown, WV 26506
> 304-293-6757